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Plan and optimize your wire harness manufacturing

Harness manufacturers need a way to accurately cost and optimize their labor, material and resources to accommodate design changes. They also need to be able to respond with accurate, fast and repeatable cost calculations in order to remain competitive. Capital Harness TVM automatically generates detailed harness manufacturing process-and cost data specific to each harness design, each factory, and for each company’s unique cost model. With the use of a digital twin, Capital software helps to plan, model, and optimize a harness manufacturing processes before the production line is even built.

Capital Harness TVM allows you to:

  • Model multiple manufacturing sites quickly and dynamically
  • Generate structured bills of material with accurate material and labor costs
  • Visualize sub-assembly content and see associated tasks
  • Compare costs between SBOMs to make informed decisions and optimize efficiency
  • Utilize optimized manufacturing planning data from Capital for ERP, MES, and plant simulation software

Watch this video to see Capital TVM in action, and learn the benefits of adopting Siemen’s best-in-class tools.
